Monday, April 9, 2007
Wah, looks like very happening hor when I was away for a few days. So sorry ppl for the late update! Ish! Me no no tai tai!! No no lao tai tai! No no popular (but Harris =.=)!! No no chopping knife!! BIG BULLIES! But nvm, love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. =p Want see me stomp on the ground? Not so easy. muahahahahha! Woot~! Concert! It's a blast man!! I came in around 2pm for pre-service prayer & I just knew that today will be a GREAT day! The prayers were so kao kao, the drum power & it was like never ending, everyone wanted to pray more & more. By that time it was already 2.45pm, Canaan Hall already flooded with alot of people. We still continue praying until 3pm. And it began.. A headstart by singing "One Way". Everyone just so excited, elated, high, jumpy & whatever adjectives you could think of. "You will never ever change, yesterday today the same". I felt so encouraged by it! I think the climax was the part we sang "To Worship" & "How Great Is Our God". I enjoyed singing it & lifting up my hands high high just to worship & really really amazed that what God had did in my life. Is like alot of things just reminded me that, it's the grace of God & it brings smile to my face. The feeling is so great! The 1st part ended. Ps. Gideon shared about his testimony. Some part were so funny & everyone laughed. Some part were so "you-need-to think" & everyone quiet down, began thinking especially new friendsI guess. How Ps. Gideon went round & round, seeking a God that could help him, his life & family. An almost broken family, false hope, living in fear & so on, but finally he found it & God made the broken whole, bringing hope & peace to him and family. Altar call time, the harvest time, the we-so-nervous-yet-excited time. *Close your eyes* *Count to 3* 1 2 3 "I see your hand, you could put down" "Yes, I see yours" "Thankew, I see you" Ps. Gideon asked those who raised up their hands to come to the front. There it goes 2 people, 5 people.. MORE & MORE! EVEN MORE!!! 17 people.. nope.. more!! even little kids came out. 22 people accepted christ out of those 70 new friends! We had around 220 people attended our concert! 2nd part of the concert started with "Salvation Is Here". WHOA! Is like, YESH YESH! SALVATION IS HERE!! Then "Beautiful Saviour", "Mighty To Save". It's so incredibly indescribable! && "Reflector", "Tell The World" & "Take It All", we sang our hearts out, right right? Whether you're new friends or old friends, we just want to jump around & praise our God! (: After a few busy weeks, gospel station, youth rally, concert & all, it's all worth it just to win 1 more soul for Jesus. =D When you see someone dedicate their life to Jesus, it's all worth it. I don't know how to describe that kind of feeling, but you just feel so happy right? *put your right hand on your left shoulder* *put your left hand on your right shoulder* NAH! GIVE URSELF A BIG BIG HUG! It's all worth it! 9:00 PM 2 comments |