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Mr. Wahehe

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This blog draws you a picture of TEENz life, the bits of life in putting together TEENz's 2nd album & the events surrounding it, depicted from anonymous teenz bloggers' perspective, reflecting in as various ways as possible to resound our voices to your heart; update, entertain, encouraging you to live colourfully for Jesus...

We present you this interesting, deep & shallow, funny, ever-changing, wacky, corny, crappy, sincere, super gila fun blog to you! hehe =P

previous posts
  • Welcome to TEENz Album! =)
  • update!
  • Post live recording sessions: the beginning
  • 'Once in a blue Koon' (part II) + [add-on]
  • Once in a blue 'Koon'
  • The Beginning of the End
  • Abt THE day4
  • So..
  • Tonight..
  • Final prac pics =)

  • archive
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  • March 2007
  • April 2007
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  • September 2007
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  • February 2008
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  • jukebox

    food for thought


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    Story behind the song: Let the Saints
    Sunday, April 29, 2007

    Victor Tan:

    One night at home, 5-6 years ago, I was doing my homework while there is adult cell group going on in the living room. During the worship, a lady was praising God loudly and kept saying: "we the saints praise you...", something like that. Inspired by the phrase and melody of the piano, a new melody and lyrics sprung up in my head, which is the chorus of "Let the Saints". I checked the online bible to verify the validity of 'saints', and realized that because of Jesus, we are redeemed and had become saints. And King David wrote many psalms relating to the saints, the call for them to love God, to sing praises to Him.

    The written chorus of this song kept ringing in my mind for days, and in 1-2 weeks, the verse is being written. The phrase 'raging fire' is being inspired by one of Ginny Owens' (my fav christian artiste) songs, which sings of a desire to not only be a flame, but the raging fire that is tired of its own will and way, and reaches out for the higher calling of God.

    So, this is how the song came about. It was sung in english service & TEENz a few years ago, and I am very surprised that the album committees and arrangers picked this song to be in the recording! =)

    Dewy-eyes: Surprised ler, siewvic, teehehehe..

    Hey Hey you you!! Remember my promise to publish e demo of e 1st raw recording of tis song? Here it is! Cool intro hor!!
    (*this is not the final arrangement of the song, it'll sound much better during final recording wor!)

    2:03 AM 2 comments
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    *sad*.. Summershanshine has left us to further study in KL, but she will still be the designer & occasional writer of this blog..

    Take heart, girl! Walk with courage on waters of trepidation & uncertainty, God is wif u!

    Hee ya! Summershanshine we miss you.. ( and ignore other lyrics please :P )

    1:20 AM 1 comments
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    Cool black on saturday!!
    Sunday, April 22, 2007


    oh no, mid-yr exam is coming soon, uni kor-kor n jie-jies are having exams too. *sighs..

    okay, before i sink into the achromatic colour mood of burying myself in the library of spinning stresses and boring books, we little bloggers want do a little survey:

    If you do read this blog (which you already do right now),

    Wear a cool [ Black shirt ] on e comin' saturday's (28 Apr/3pm) TEENz service!!!

    we want to know how many ppl reads tis blog.. why black ar, because..because.. it's a cool colour?

    wahehehehe.. :D
    don't forget yar, peeps. "chuan hei-hei" wor!
    and if u know summershanshine personally, do take note when u walk into canaan hall on that day yar.. got wad ar, *secret-secret* :P

    Encouragement for vocalists! :) :)
    (click "comments" below for the lyrics of this song)

    album update:

    musicians, album committees n arrangers just roughly recorded two songs for preview, heard that the results are not bad! Of course there r many things need to change n improve.
    A short sound clip of "let the saints" raw recording will be released soon!

    **Look below! Bloggers wanted!!!

    8:38 AM 2 comments
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    Yeah, YOU!
    Friday, April 20, 2007

    JOIN US!
    Don't hesitate anymore!

    8:44 PM 0 comments
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    ah Ah aH AH AH~
    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Dewy-eyes, with the help of an assistant, gets "snoopy eyes" around k-corner n went to office and talk-talk with the vocal trainer after the 1st vocal training on 14 April 12.30-1.30pm.

    ppl who went for training: Terence, Karl, Georgina, Meliza, Eevynn, little Hui Min, Abigil, Nicole, Jasmine..

    they stood in a circle, and follow the CD's voice & music to train, with assistance and explanation from the trainer.

    ~tired n slight serious mood~

    [Dewy's messy-'ching chai' report]

    After reports from observation n conversations wif the trainer, this is what i remember:
    (vocal trainees & newbies, take note yar)

    The purpose of this vocal training actually covers a pretty wide scope. - to help you understand voice, widen vocal range (can sing higher n lower), techniques of discovering your voice, improve your diction (pronunciation/say the words clearly), expression of voice.

    There is a new vocal technique being introduced, the "neigh, neigh" practice. This is to help you sing high using your speaking voice, rather than the old-school way of singing falsetto (artificial high tone/"jia3 ying1").

    The trainees will be getting practice materials soon; must prac min. 3 times a week, every time 15-20mins. Probably will injure your throat if practice the wrong way. So must practice "right-right" ya!

    Problems: (oh ohh..)

    The vocal trainer is a little disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm among the trainees. A bit "sian sian"..

    Trainer: "Putting myself back when i was younger, I would be very excited if i am given a chance to be part of the album-recording, but i don't see it happen here (I don't see any enthusiasm n excitement during vocal training). I mean, how many teenagers have the chance to actually record an album? "

    "there is no 'oomph!' among the trainees"
    tired? shy?

    2nd problem:

    During diction practice, they pronounced the words with the song's melody in mind, so the sound volume of words is not consistent, it gets softer and fade off sometimes.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... not good!

    I guess the trainer expected them to say it out louder and to really practice to sing in clarity at the correct timing.

    maybe the trainees are not used to this type of training..

    **Vocal audition is to spot potentials only; vocal training is to train them until they are good enough to hold the mike n sing.

    Dewy-eyes: wah! recording really got high standard. i heard from the trainer that if they can be more 'excited' and practice seriously & diligently, they can sing really well and be good enough to hold the mike n sing lo =)

    7:57 AM 2 comments
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    Monday, April 9, 2007

    Wah, looks like very happening hor when I was away for a few days. So sorry ppl for the late update! Ish! Me no no tai tai!! No no lao tai tai! No no popular (but Harris =.=)!! No no chopping knife!! BIG BULLIES! But nvm, love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. =p
    Want see me stomp on the ground? Not so easy. muahahahahha!

    Concert! It's a blast man!! I came in around 2pm for pre-service prayer & I just knew that today will be a GREAT day! The prayers were so kao kao, the drum power & it was like never ending, everyone wanted to pray more & more. By that time it was already 2.45pm, Canaan Hall already flooded with alot of people. We still continue praying until 3pm. And it began..

    A headstart by singing "One Way". Everyone just so excited, elated, high, jumpy & whatever adjectives you could think of. "You will never ever change, yesterday today the same". I felt so encouraged by it! I think the climax was the part we sang "To Worship" & "How Great Is Our God". I enjoyed singing it & lifting up my hands high high just to worship & really really amazed that what God had did in my life. Is like alot of things just reminded me that, it's the grace of God & it brings smile to my face. The feeling is so great!

    The 1st part ended. Ps. Gideon shared about his testimony. Some part were so funny & everyone laughed. Some part were so "you-need-to think" & everyone quiet down, began thinking especially new friendsI guess. How Ps. Gideon went round & round, seeking a God that could help him, his life & family. An almost broken family, false hope, living in fear & so on, but finally he found it & God made the broken whole, bringing hope & peace to him and family. Altar call time, the harvest time, the we-so-nervous-yet-excited time.

    *Close your eyes*
    *Count to 3*




    "I see your hand, you could put down"

    "Yes, I see yours"

    "Thankew, I see you"

    Ps. Gideon asked those who raised up their hands to come to the front. There it goes 2 people, 5 people..
    MORE & MORE!
    EVEN MORE!!!
    17 people.. nope.. more!! even little kids came out.

    22 people accepted christ out of those 70 new friends!
    We had around 220 people attended our concert!


    2nd part of the concert started with "Salvation Is Here". WHOA! Is like, YESH YESH! SALVATION IS HERE!! Then "Beautiful Saviour", "Mighty To Save". It's so incredibly indescribable! && "Reflector", "Tell The World" & "Take It All", we sang our hearts out, right right? Whether you're new friends or old friends, we just want to jump around & praise our God! (:

    After a few busy weeks, gospel station, youth rally, concert & all, it's all worth it just to win 1 more soul for Jesus. =D When you see someone dedicate their life to Jesus, it's all worth it. I don't know how to describe that kind of feeling, but you just feel so happy right?

    *put your right hand on your left shoulder*
    *put your left hand on your right shoulder*

    It's all worth it!

    9:00 PM 2 comments
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    The Conversation.
    Sunday, April 8, 2007

    One night, Dewy-eyes and Mr. Wahehe were in their pajamas sleeping like dead logs, but when midnight strikes, they remembered something, something very important. So, in the nick of time, they both met up in a deserted land, the land of the unknown, "MUAH, HA, HA" it is called the cyberspace. "Woo, Wooo.... cyberrrr.. Wooo.. space.."

    -PAUSE -

    Boss: "Oi! Mr. Wahehe, stop the effects hor!". You Woo.. Woo what? You think Horror movie har?

    Mr. Wahehe: "Heh, Paiseh ar Boss, over-excited mar. "

    Boss: "...ish!!.."

    Dewy-Eyes: This is the 4x250= ?? times already. sighs,


    Anyway, they finally met up at cyberspace, the revolutionary, unthinkable, unimaginable, un-bleblable, It's none other than.. MSN Messenger.. *Claps*Claps*Claps*. Their conversation went;-

    Mr. Wahehe: Ehy Dewy Eyes, my avatar very chio hor, reminds me of Spidey!

    Dewy-Eyes : ??

    Mr. Wahehe : Blah, nevermind, you're just a kitten *.* Meoww.. Anyway, Shrek 3 is coming out!

    Dewy-Eyes : Spiderman 3, Shrek 3 and the 3 bloggers!

    Mr. Wahehe : Long live the 3. 3, the number 3!! pweet pweet!!

    Dewy-Eyes : I asked shanshine to write about concert, then hor.. She went CBC retreat.

    Mr. Wahehe: Looong live the 2 then! Laaa.. Laaaa, LAkk! That Shanshine always retreat here and there one what. XD

    Dewy-Eyes: Hmmm.. So popular lor, some people. Not like us, everyday squat at home and do nothing.

    Mr. Wahehe : We squat down play marbles. Never mind, One day we 2 also can be famous one, then we also can retreat-retreat liao hor!

    Dewy-Eyes: hahah. Anyway, the Teenz Concert very Geng right!

    Mr. Wahehe : Two words. Power - pack - all - in - one - super - combo - 100 - hit - kao - kao Concert!

    Dewy-Eyes : Wah! You call that 2 words ar?! We'll leave more details for Shanshine to update us with. i wonder what is summershanshine's response when he/she reads this entry, teehehehe.. sure: "hanar hanar!! I very popular lor!!!" *stomps on the ground and snort angrily".

    Mr. Wahehe : Sorry, my ang moh language/English kaput one. She's the all time "tai-tai" what! Fierce arh!! $%%&^$#!!

    Dewy-Eyes : hoho! "lao" taitai.. Argh, summershanshine's coming down to hit us! Retreat retreat!!

    Mr. Wahehe : Waa! she's holding a chopping knife and a "Ah Kong" walking stick! AhHH!!

    Summer Shanshine : >.<

    10:10 AM 0 comments
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    TEENz concert 7th Apr
    Friday, April 6, 2007

    If TEENz concert is like coffee..
    We are brewing it now.... =)

    Plant your roots in God, direct your heart to Jesus, splash the world with colour..

    Mr. Pokey Nosey:
    Brief updates for TEENz album,
    'live' recording will be held early next year, venue still yet to be determined (maybe sanctuary?). The 1st song for the recording will likely be "let the saints", Peter (guitarist) have already thought of an awesome intro for it, totally clean & groovy, and it's only electric guitar n drum sound; imagine when it's added with bass guitar n other instruments. Raw recording of the song's intro have been done in canaan hall last sunday. Song still under arrangement? It will be sung in two keys, like Hillsong's "Need You Here". Tons of things to fine-tune; let's say for the intro alone, it would take at least days to think of a good one, let alone to put it into discussion with fellow musicians & arrangers.

    Many people think that playing a good song intro is easy, because we just imitate what's being recorded in the CD. For example. Hillsong's "Salvation Is Here" intro, simple enough. But do you have what it takes to think of that intro from scratch? Out of nothing? Tons of creative juices needed man, plus 10 times more in fine-tuning it to perfection.

    Meanwhile, after some weeks of singing "To Worship" during TEENz's P&W, i think now they're going to change to another song.
    You see, since the song list for 'live' recording is already set, the committees decided to teach TEENz congregation the new songs by singing each song for 3 weeks straight.

    vocal training starts next week? not sure yet, will find out more from the committees..

    10:20 AM 1 comments
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    Uh Ghah Sha Ghah LAI LIAO!
    Sunday, April 1, 2007

    Dewy Eyes and Summershanshine, Your parcel, "Mr. Wahehe" as you ordered from ebay has just arrived this afternoon 1455 via TAkair, awaiting for collection. It's sealed in a red box, located at gate D3.

    Some say he's made from sticks, some say he's from the land of the Beatles, but we say, he's Mr.Wahehe, our newly imported blogger.

    Ellos!! Me is Mr.Wahehe the imported blogger. Oh la laa. Beatles is me love. Those Americans are just so crazie'. Ohh, to me co-bloggers, Dewy Eyes (*-*), the kitten and summershanshine, the taitai? ($.$) It's me pleasure and me take full delight blogging with you people.

    Alright enough with that, as for this entry, is basically giving you guys a slight brief on the concert FGCTeenz had on the 1st of April at Holy Light Church.

    As for the band, you guys just brought the whole hall down man. Even with the little space provided, the lil' squeeze here and there, guitars bangin' guitars and chords flying around, you guys still managed to kept it, like said, "One sound, One Band". Tight and neat. Thank god for all the different talents god placed in everyone. From such experience, It sets our alarm clocks reminding us, FGC-reans, should really be appreciative and thankful at the same time for the space and facilities provided at our church and stop complaining (for some).

    As for the Sermon, Pastor James shared from his own personal testimonies to the fact that true happiness is never about position and possession. He closes by explaining the 2 types of lives in our life. The life with Jesus in control and the life with the own self in control and had a alter call to those who wants to commit their lives to god once again. Around 10 people responded. All glory to God.

    This concert I believe is special for many of us as it is our very first at our neighboring church. On behalf of the blogger team, I am giving a LOUD SHOUT OUT to all who were involved, half involved, a quarter involved, not so involved, not not so involved and those who supported a BIG Thank You and Cheers!! (Ice Kacang).


    TADAH! Here's our very new "fresh" blogger- Mr Wahehe!


    Ahem Ahem! Me ish no tai tai! Me ish my BIG daddy's little girl. >.<
    some fire we had to the church youth there. Although we just had our Youth Rally on Saturday night & everyone was so tired, still we managed to go there. (: How's everything? Ah! Mr Wahehe already told the tales.. But all I can say is, it's really really great that young people can come together going together for one same purpose is really really great! It's not about how loud the music is, is not about who the people is, is not about how cool the church is, all these will come to an end. Is all about that special encounter when the music flows in your heart, the peace is with you, is all about the word of God that speaks through your heart, is all about when you quiet yourself down in the presence of the lord, you just feel so close to him. Did you have the same feelings too? Haha..

    Anyway, here's some highlights after the visit to Holy Light church.
    *wink wink*

    Want some more? Good things need to wait. We have more.. muahahahaha.. No no.. is wahehehehehe. X)

    dewy-eyes: hehe.. =P
    the song that u're listening to now is dedicated some ppl, more details at the blog entry below. enjoy la =D

    10:29 PM 0 comments
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    Pre-concert SAMPAT!!

    Pre-concert sampat-sampat!!


    I like to talk talk, but i can't wait for summershanshine n
    Mr. Wahehe
    (new blogger!!)
    to write their highly interesting entries!! hu-gah-shah-gah, hu-gah-shah-gah!!

    some sampat intro for the other 2 bloggies:
    - holy light church concert, heard that it's vely the nice wor.. *something bad happened to uncle Chong Hiang's laptop during sermon??!!
    - they go makan-makan n something vely farny happened wor!!
    - vocal training starting soon, where ar, when ar, how ar..

    er, then hor, last sat's Youth Rally/ Cafe night got so many new friends come wooor! heard that got more than 100 new friends ler.

    Street-evangelism people! Cafe people! Concert people! Behind-the-scenes people!!
    This song is dedicated to u: legacy-leavers, history-makers, Jesus-pleasers =)

    Thank you!


    I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
    And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
    You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
    Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
    At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much

    I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
    We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
    But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
    The temporary trappings of this world

    I want to leave a legacy
    How will they remember me?
    Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
    To make a mark on things?
    I want to leave an offering
    A child of mercy and grace who
    blessed your name unapologetically
    And leave that kind of legacy

    I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
    To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
    It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
    Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy

    Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
    Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...

    9:05 AM 0 comments
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