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This blog draws you a picture of TEENz life, the bits of life in putting together TEENz's 2nd album & the events surrounding it, depicted from anonymous teenz bloggers' perspective, reflecting in as various ways as possible to resound our voices to your heart; update, entertain, encouraging you to live colourfully for Jesus...

We present you this interesting, deep & shallow, funny, ever-changing, wacky, corny, crappy, sincere, super gila fun blog to you! hehe =P

previous posts
  • Welcome to TEENz Album! =)
  • update!
  • Post live recording sessions: the beginning
  • 'Once in a blue Koon' (part II) + [add-on]
  • Once in a blue 'Koon'
  • The Beginning of the End
  • Abt THE day4
  • So..
  • Tonight..
  • Final prac pics =)

  • archive
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
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  • June 2007
  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • March 2009

  • jukebox

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    A taste of church in jusco
    Thursday, June 28, 2007

    After keeping all readers in suspense for such a long time. Finally, the highly anticipated, sought after, most talked-about post is finally here. Give it up for..

    Straight Street Band
    performance in Jusco Tebrau City

    17 June 07

    *claps and cheers, balloons over our heads, fireworks over our roofs and some birds got fried* =D

    A minute with some true facts.
    - A roadshow organised by Yamaha.
    - SSB got invited to perform
    after being recognised from the Asean Beats Competition.
    - SSB feels it's a great opportunity to share the love of God in public.

    Sincere apologies for those who thought it was at 2pm & kept waiting till 5pm for the presentation, it was due to schedule problems and miscommunication with the yamaha organisers.

    So after the the long wait in jusco, the people got excited when straight street band went on stage. hee.. what a long time it took to setup & get ready, cos need to move the keyboard on stage n setup.. vic & peter started to play some cool grooves & licks to fill the awkward silence till the band is ready. and later on..

    angela: "hello people in jusco!". woohoo.. guitar intro, drums.. they played "your love is beautiful" by hillsong. It simpler rendition and quick ending to get the crowd heated. i opened my small eyes n looked, left, right, up.. woa ha, so many ppl from FGC! but also got many other ppl too. :)

    while i'm excited standing wif fellow church friends n waiting for the next song to start, Caleb walked to the front of the stage and to my surprise, goes rapping wor!! "yo..yo..." yay~!!

    "Father God i am clay in your hands.."
    me: "yeh man, that's it yo.. rap on!"
    friend: "oi, quiet la, he rap, not you rap"

    terence sang the chorus, with anne (from TnT) & nicole singing the bridge..

    sorry, it's been quite some time after jusco performance, i can't remember the sequence of the songs. i'll just describe the songs that came in mind. Hot, rock songs - "Dare you to move" and "Live This Life", nice! I could feel the energy bursting to life while listening n mouthing the words.

    Fu Yao sang the unplugged version of "zai xin zhong" (loosely translated as 'In My Heart'). wow, it's so nice.. haha, pardon my lack of vocabs, like everything is "nice.." only, but it is! :P

    did i mention that Su Kang is using church's professional camcorder to record the performance? that guy is appearing from everywhere, taking daring shots & being 'pro'. hee..

    Angela also gave a beautiful solo of "Small" by Amanda Falk. It's those kind of songs that can calm my heart in the storm, and quiet down the whole world to listen to that still small voice in my heart. Kudos to her soothing voice too! "i wanna be small~, i wanna be just like a child, i wanna be quiet in your arms~ "

    Titus led the band in the familiar song, "Mighty To Save" by hillsong. the atmosphere in Jusco became similar to church, and we worshiped God, in public.

    At the end, the band sang a reprise of "your love is beautiful" again, now with instrument solos!

    drums! "tak-tak tak-tak-dong dong~"..

    bass guitar! dum dum dum-pak!~
    guitar! tiao lo lo~ twee tweek twee!~~
    another guitar! trum-trum-trum~~
    keyboard! pam-pam pak pam-pam~~

    haha :)

    So it ends, so quickly, though it was a good 45 minutes..
    We went nearer to congratulate the band for a wonderful presentation for the people & for God's glory. It was a good one, and not only that, it also established better grounds with Yamaha Music and Jusco management.
    Who knows, they might invite the church again for future performance! :)

    ~lala, don't wanna gain the whole world and lose my soul~~

    9:33 PM 1 comments
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    Tuesday, June 26, 2007

    So many events and life-changing moments since the school holidays. Stuffs like TEENz camp, jusco performance, and recently, TEENz's 1st (!) chinese concert.

    soory dudes, promised to come out wif a short narration about the jusco performance but words got stuck in my mind and only seeps out little by little like sos kicap, ha. so Mr. Wahehe's gonna write abt it very soon.


    seems that concerts and thingy-s are jam-packed in TEENz calendar..

    concert in Holy Light church coming up on sunday afternoon, next month (july) will be Manners month in TEENz.. i wonder how would it be like, teaching you how to sit, walk, eat, talk like a gentlemen/fair lady? hahah, i'll leave it to your imagination & excitement for July.

    for official articles & photos, remember to visit our mother website. :)

    Chinese Concert

    wow, what a great concert it is last saturday during TEENz service! although my cup of english tea is being toppled over, i enjoyed singing praises to God in my mother tongue. i loved the enthusiasm and energy of the choir, vocalists, and worship leaders. i can see God moving powerfully during the worship and sharing by 'lok-lok' (joseph)!

    remember what uncle Chung Wah said after the concert ends, worship does not end when the music fades, continue your devotion to God in preaching the gospel and meeting the needs of the people. How true!

    ok, main topic, ALBUM.

    all parts are preparing for the 'live' recording in March 2008. The musicians, arrangers, singers, and also the church.

    there are questions of technicalities in recording, nature of the album, difficulty in keeping up with schedule, and other challenges that the directors of this album need to face. Do keep them in your prayers, pray for God's wisdom and guidance in this big project.

    Last sunday, the musicians and arrangers had a wonderful practice and simple recording of "Fix my eyes on You" in canaan hall. It is an 'unplugged' version with nice acoustics; piano, guitars & percussion.

    Imagine the sound of bongo playing in the background with the occasional deep bass thump, and the guitar strumming lightly and plucking a few strings in between, while the bass guitar provides good backup and the piano lighting simple but special touches to fill-in the space.

    it's beautiful. :)

    many people are working on the album, you don't see them practicing (they practice when nobody's around), maybe you don't know who they are (cos they don't parade around showing ppl they're involved, lol), but do pray for this group of dedicated people, pray for this album project to be a big success - high quality album, impacting the church & beyond, and drawing more people into God's kingdom! :)

    12:48 AM 0 comments
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    Thursday, June 14, 2007

    Christian performance
    Sunday - 17 June
    Jusco Tebrau City

    *bring non-christian friends! :)

    3:37 PM 0 comments
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    Album Interview
    Tuesday, June 5, 2007

    Dig down town for an interview done! An interview with our very own talented and gifted songwriter, Titus Chan - Tikus!

    1) What is the theme of this Album?

    2) What is the main purpose of this album
    - Going beyond our boundary, our comfort zone in terms of music and worship
    - Touch peoples’ lives with our songs, and reaching out to the young people, who are attracted to music
    - An avenue for the youth in the church to write songs
    - An encouragement to other churches in this path of album making

    3) What is your vision?
    To see our purpose for the album being fulfilled, and to see revival coming
    to JB, Malaysia!!! All for the Glory of God!!

    4) Are there any encounters with god during the whole process?
    From my part, it will be in the planning of the songs for the album. When
    the final list of songs for the album was given to me, i prayed for the
    right sequence of the songs. And as i was arranging the sequence of the
    songs, i saw what God wanted to do with this Live Recording. It will be a
    Evangelistic Concert cum Recording (hor hor...secret's out liaoz)...Must
    start praying for it.

    5) What are the genre of the songs?
    well...from the arrangement of the first few will be a mixture
    of genre from rock to motown...anything can's up to the
    creativity of the arrangers...

    6) What are the targeted groups of people? Can this album relate to the older generation?
    Our target group would be the youth group ranging from TEENz to TnT....
    well...of course it can relate to the older generation coz i believe God can
    work through this album...

    7) Compared with the previous album, what are the improvements or changes being implemented?
    One obvious change would be the recording style...from studio to Live
    Recording...reason being...we are much more at ease with Live Recording
    since we play live every weekend..haha...and this would also involve the

    8) What do you see in the youths these days?
    They are looking for a sense of purpose, a sense of satisfaction in their
    lives. Only in God, will they find all these.

    9) Any encouragements to them? to write songs, etc.
    Fix Your Eyes upon God...Writing a song is like writing a note to God with a
    melody, it's your expression to God...Try it! Record it down! Share it! = )

    10) What can we expect from this album?
    Expect an experience with God!!! Expect Souls saved on recording day and
    also through listening to this album!!!

    11)Any insights of the album you are able to share? How is process so far?
    One of the insights was written in Qns 4....= ) I thank God for the good
    process so far, with nice arrangements from the arrangers, and productive
    band and vocal practices...

    12)When is the recording, release of the album?
    The recording is on 16th March 2008, and the release of the album is
    targetted on the second half of 2008..

    God Bless all readers!


    10:24 AM 1 comments
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    Amazing grace... bum bum..
    Monday, June 4, 2007

    blog entries are writteeen, wirrtten.. .. while life might be temporarily boring here, let's see how a pro bass player plays "amazing grace"..

    4:54 AM 0 comments
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